Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Smarty Pants Husband

In July Ricky officially finished his BA. He walked in April, but still had one online class to finish. I am so proud of my husband for being a dedicated student. We are two very different students. I am very on top of things and like to get them done fast and ahead of time. Ricky is what I would like to call a procrastinator. However he does so much better in school than me! He can wait until the last night to write a paper and get an amazing grade! I learned quickly in our marriage to not compare my grades with his. I am a good student, but he is above average. I can't say I wasn't surprised when he received the Newel K. Whitney Award. This is an award given to eight graduating business students. While I am bragging about my smarty pants husband, did I mention he graduated in the top 10 percent! I am so happy he is done with this step of school.

1 comment:

    Hope you guys are doing well. miss you!!


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