Friday, August 12, 2011

Past the 7th Inning Stretch

Pregnancy is like baseball. Nine long months similar to nine long innings in baseball. However once you get past the seventh inning stretch it doesn't feel like forever, and could be over very quickly. I hope I am not jinxing myself by saying this but I feel like our baby girl will be here before we know it!

I.F. Chuckars game with Shane, Kate, Lynn, and Amy.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Williams Lake

As Reese would say, "I yike the yake!" This is definitely how Ricky and I feel about the lake too. We have only gone a couple of times this summer but loved every minute of it.

Proof of prego wake boarder.

Two love birds

I saved the best for last. This picture is absolutly terrible! 32 weeks pregnant, it cracks me up! This is documenting the baby's first hot shower from the back of the boat. We had all just jumped off the rock.

My Background